Useful page for running SCHEME (from Iowa State)
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Stephen Tse
2004-07-21 23:49:01 UTC
Here's a link to a useful page on running Scheme.


Coincidentally, Iowa State University runs almost the exact same "scm" was
we do, so its helpful. Its quite visual with plenty of screen shots.

The most important thing I got out of it is the follow:

If you get the following error
(stuff before) ERROR: list: end of file in (stuff after)

It means you forgot a closing bracket somewhere. Why they don't say that
out right, I don't know. But hopefully you'll avoid the frustration I just

Stephen Tse
Andre Masella
2004-07-22 02:15:09 UTC
Post by Stephen Tse
If you get the following error
(stuff before) ERROR: list: end of file in (stuff after)
It means you forgot a closing bracket somewhere. Why they don't say that
out right, I don't know.
Because when the file is parsed into tokens, the grammar discoveres an end
of file token that doesn't belong where it is. Thus it says I found ``end
of file in'' [this expression] I was parsing. It can also happen inside a
string (Scheme allows multi-line literals).
--Andre Masella (***@engmail, www.eng/~apmasell)

You can tune a file system, but you can't tuna fish.
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