Troy Mark Gonsalves
2004-06-18 18:25:44 UTC
So, in case you didn't know, we're having a midterm on Tuesday the 22nd.
The time and rooms are posted on our website.
There is an alternate writing time for those of you in ECON 102 (you have
a midterm in that class at 7pm...or so I'm told). You will be writing with
the CS241 students 30 minutes earlier than the rest of us. Make sure that
you identify yourself as an ECE251 student when you get there since our
midterm is slightly different than theirs.
Monday's Lecture / Midterm Review:
I will not be delivering any new material in Monday's lecture (the 21st).
Instead I will answer any questions you have. I'll be happy to answer any
specific questions but I'm most interested in questions where you
are lost as to how to approach a certain type of problem...e.g. "How
do I approach a problem that asks me to come up with a regular
expression for a given langauge?"
I won't be doing a review of the material we've overview
won't be very useful since it's the details that matter.
Here's some concrete info:
- The midterm covers everything upto and including slide 11-6 (i.e.
everything upto and including LL(1) parsing given a predictor table).
- Our midterm is a subset of the CS241 midterm (2 questions we're removed)
- The CS midterm had 10 multipart questions. We've covered 10 lectures of
material...this is not a coincidence. You can expect at least one
question from each lecture so study everything.
Note: 10 lectures = lectures 2-11, lecture #1 is just an overview of
the course.
- I'm going to give you a 10 minute extension on the midterm. I couldn't
bring myself to cut another question from the midterm so I'm doing this
instead. Note that, the next question I would have cut was an easy cutting it would have lowered your marks. Believe me you're
better off this way.
- you will be given a MIPS reference sheet. This is available on the
course website (with the sample midterm)
Lastly, in addition to however you normally study, I suggest redoing the
MIPS assignment.
The time and rooms are posted on our website.
There is an alternate writing time for those of you in ECON 102 (you have
a midterm in that class at 7pm...or so I'm told). You will be writing with
the CS241 students 30 minutes earlier than the rest of us. Make sure that
you identify yourself as an ECE251 student when you get there since our
midterm is slightly different than theirs.
Monday's Lecture / Midterm Review:
I will not be delivering any new material in Monday's lecture (the 21st).
Instead I will answer any questions you have. I'll be happy to answer any
specific questions but I'm most interested in questions where you
are lost as to how to approach a certain type of problem...e.g. "How
do I approach a problem that asks me to come up with a regular
expression for a given langauge?"
I won't be doing a review of the material we've overview
won't be very useful since it's the details that matter.
Here's some concrete info:
- The midterm covers everything upto and including slide 11-6 (i.e.
everything upto and including LL(1) parsing given a predictor table).
- Our midterm is a subset of the CS241 midterm (2 questions we're removed)
- The CS midterm had 10 multipart questions. We've covered 10 lectures of
material...this is not a coincidence. You can expect at least one
question from each lecture so study everything.
Note: 10 lectures = lectures 2-11, lecture #1 is just an overview of
the course.
- I'm going to give you a 10 minute extension on the midterm. I couldn't
bring myself to cut another question from the midterm so I'm doing this
instead. Note that, the next question I would have cut was an easy cutting it would have lowered your marks. Believe me you're
better off this way.
- you will be given a MIPS reference sheet. This is available on the
course website (with the sample midterm)
Lastly, in addition to however you normally study, I suggest redoing the
MIPS assignment.