Andre Masella
2004-07-17 16:24:14 UTC
I've been trying to do A6 (from the CS site) on the E&CE Solaris machines,
but the version of SCM provided seems to be broken. The (load x) and (exit)
directives don't work, and there is an error on start up that I assume is
the binary failing to load its libraries (I can't find slib in /usr/share
or /usr/lib/scm).
load Failure
SCM version 4e1, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Aubrey Jaffer.
SCM comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `(terms)'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `(terms)' for details.
ERROR: No such file or directory
ERROR: load: Could not open file (see errobj)
;Evaluation took 0 mSec (0 in gc) 1334 cells work, 670 bytes other
; in expression: (... load "myfile.scm")
; in top level environment.
;Evaluation took 0 mSec (0 in gc) 7 cells work, 47 bytes other
exit Failure
; in expression: (... exit)
; in top level environment.
;Evaluation took 0 mSec (0 in gc) 5 cells work, 36 bytes other
Does the library environment variable need to be set somewhere? I've tried
my code on Kawa and MIT-Scheme at home, without incident, but it won't run
on the E&CE systems due to the (load) errors. I also can't get Jaffar's SCM
to install under Linux. Any suggestions?
but the version of SCM provided seems to be broken. The (load x) and (exit)
directives don't work, and there is an error on start up that I assume is
the binary failing to load its libraries (I can't find slib in /usr/share
or /usr/lib/scm).
load Failure
SCM version 4e1, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Aubrey Jaffer.
SCM comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `(terms)'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `(terms)' for details.
ERROR: No such file or directory
ERROR: load: Could not open file (see errobj)
;Evaluation took 0 mSec (0 in gc) 1334 cells work, 670 bytes other
(load "myfile.scm")
ERROR: unbound variable: load; in expression: (... load "myfile.scm")
; in top level environment.
;Evaluation took 0 mSec (0 in gc) 7 cells work, 47 bytes other
exit Failure
ERROR: unbound variable: exit; in expression: (... exit)
; in top level environment.
;Evaluation took 0 mSec (0 in gc) 5 cells work, 36 bytes other
Does the library environment variable need to be set somewhere? I've tried
my code on Kawa and MIT-Scheme at home, without incident, but it won't run
on the E&CE systems due to the (load) errors. I also can't get Jaffar's SCM
to install under Linux. Any suggestions?
--Andre Masella (***@engmail, www.eng/~apmasell)
I fear biological computers. It's the intersection of people who can't
find the "on" switch and can't water houseplants.
--Andre Masella (***@engmail, www.eng/~apmasell)
I fear biological computers. It's the intersection of people who can't
find the "on" switch and can't water houseplants.